One person known to me, who is 55 years in age, one day complained to me that his boss had asked him to do a three day software course. He lamented, “I am 55 years old and I do not think that I can learn these new and sophisticated technologies at this age”. Then I talked to him that he can do any thing he wished to at any age; what is needed is a strong will reinforced by positive enthusiasm. Then, I told him the following - to boost up his low morale and carry conviction to his despairing mind.
You are now in San Jose, California. Where is California? Clifornia is in USA. Where is USA? USA is on the North American continent. Where is this North American continent? The North American continent is on earth. Where is this earth? Earth is in the space – which is infinite. Where is this infinite space? This infinite space is in your awareness (whatever you are aware of - is in your awareness). This means that your Awareness is also infinite. Where is your infinite Awareness, which contains the infinite space? Your Awareness, which contains the infinite space, is in your mind only!
Mind can expand or shrink to take the outline or the form of the objects perceived by it; it can spread infinitely or shrink infinitesimally as needed. Here, it expands infinitely to take the outline of the infinite space! Thus this space and the awareness, which contains this space, are both in your mind only. Is it not amazing? Is it not mind boggling?
When God has created you with such an amazing capability, how can you think that you are a limited person with limited capabilities? Of course, you are not a limited person with limited capabilities. Not being aware of what mind boggling capability God has created in you, you falsely think that you are a limited being – which is totally unnecessary. When you think that you are a limited being, you will act like one. But, remember, you are not a limited being.
You can now appreciate what infinite and divine Sakti God has created within you. The entire universe is within you! What can you not achieve with the help of this kind of infinite and divine Sakti? What is this mere software course for you, my friend? You can do whatever you wish to. But you must first believe in yourself and in your God to be able to achieve whatever you wish to achieve. Here is what Napoleon Hill says on this topic (Think and Grow Rich).
If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you like to win but if you think you can't
It is almost certain you won't;
If you think you will lose, you are lost;
If you think you are outclassed, you are;
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or the faster man,
But soon or late, the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.
The next thought is about “Faith begins where logic ends”