Part 6 - Dealing With Problems
- Problems are inevitable and are a constant feature of every life. There are no exceptions. No one is exempt
- What is inevitable must be accepted calmly. The calmer we are, the easier it is to deal with problems
- Solving a problem does not leave a vacuum behind. A new problem instantly occupies its place
- Never run away from any problem. If you do, it chases you. If you face it squarely, it usually runs away
- As soon as you encounter a problem or you are able to identify one, the first thing that you should do is to classify it into:
* Vital or Trivial
* Clean or Dirty
- Vital problems should always obtain priority over all others
- "Clean Problems" have ready solutions. "Dirty problems" have to be cleaned before they can be solved
- Until you are able to solve the dirty problems, try to peacefully coexist with them. Frequently, "time" can solve or at least, subdue the intensity of such problems. Panic on the other hand, can intensify their severity
The holistic approach to life (Continued)