The grandfather in any family is supposed to be the wisest person – because he has the longest experience in the family about the world and its ways. Usually, he has an uncanny insight into the human nature – especially, into the nature of the children. His body language, unlike that of the parents, beguiles the grandchildren into believing that he is a friend and confidant. He makes it clear to the grandchildren in various obvious and subtle ways that he does not believe, unlike the parents, in disciplining them.
Every grandfather has the skill to reach out unobtrusively into the heart of the grand children – by narrating and entertaining them through all sorts of interesting stories. The grandchildren, in turn, consider the grandfather as a dear old soul with whom they can take certain liberties – which the father never allows. Most of the time, unlike the father, the grandfather tends to spoil the grandchildren in the sense that he displays a greater tolerance to their mischief, to their pranks, to their indifferent efforts at studies and even to their tantrums – than the father. The grandchildren generally enjoy the grandfather’s company and tend to develop a quick rapport with him.
With an amazing skill, the grandfather quickly gains the trust and confidence of the grandchildren. Consequently, the grandchildren pay greater attention to what the grandfather says. Hence, I believe that the children who spend some time in the company of their grandfathers become better persons than those who have had no such advantage.
I have a lot of ideas which I would like to share with as many people and children as possible. My neighbor, Tez Kholi suggested that I should open a blog. This way, many people would have an opportunity to get to know these ideas. He helped me in the preliminary design of this blog. I am ever so thankful to him for this help. Later my nephew Kaushik helped to redesign this blog. Finally, my nephew Vijju had completely redesigned this blog and I am very happy with his suggestions and design. I am now using his design – and I wish him well.. My daughter, Sashikala, my son, Srinath have taken a lot of interest and are continually helping me to send weekly supplements of thoughts to update the blog on a continuous basis.
This blog contains some thoughts, which constitute my advice as a grandfather (aged 81 years) to all grand children. I dedicate this advice to all grandchildren in the world. In fact, the parents are also welcome to use this advice, if it appeals to them. This blog will be updated twice every week – on every wednesday and Sunday.
Some thoughts are written here in the form of somewhat long essays and others are explained briefly in short paragraphs. Length of my explanation does not signify the importance of the thought. All thoughts given here are equally important. Whenever I have taken material from other authors, I tried to acknowledge the source but in some cases, I may have missed to note down the authorship. I m sorry for that if any such omissions are involved; it is purely due to loss of memory.
I tried to avoid repetitions but here and there, it becomes necessary to repeat an idea in order to convey logically what I have in my mind in that thought.
Pandrangi Sri Krishna Prasad (PSK Prasad)
Santhi Soudha Apartments, Erramanzil
Hyderabad, 500 082, India.
(Tel) 91 40 23312299
Cell: 91 9440732032
(Tel) 91 40 23312299
Cell: 91 9440732032
e-mail: tatagaru@gmail.com
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