Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thought 5: Wasteful thinking dissipates our limited store of energy and causes stress

We are all energy sources. When we lose energy completely, we are dead. When we live at low energy levels, we are considered old. When we let our day to day living concerns sap or dissipate our limited energy wastefully by wrong or negative thinking, we age prematurely. When you dissipate your energy wastefully, you lose not only useful energy, but also your enthusiasm to live happily. This is the reason why in old age, we become a lot less enthusiastic about everything. To be able to overcome unnecessary dissipation of energy is the secret to intelligent and enthusiastic living.

Wasteful dissipation of energy resulting in avoidable stress and agony happens all the time in every life - but one is seldom aware of it. The negative thoughts indicate conflict of some sort - and every conflict in the mind dissipates a portion of your stored energy in your individual energy bank. Every time you dissipate energy wastefully, you are under stress. Therefore, these loads are unnecessary burdens on you. They serve no purpose. You can do without them.

The next thought is about “Wrong Thinking”.

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