Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thought 24: About Anger

Anger and frustration are emotions that you would continue to experience because you cannot order the world the way you want it to be. People will never behave the way you want them to. Things will never go the way you want them to. This is the real world in which you live. (Dr Wayne Dyer)

You frequently experience anger (and frustration). Anger is bad; it is bad for you – and not for any one else. You are unhappy when you are angry. Anger puts a distance between you and your happiness. Angry persons are unhappy persons. Conversely, unhappy persons are always angry. People make you angry; you never make yourself angry because you do not want to become unhappy.

If you have a short fuse (low tolerance), you would blow up the moment some one says something which you do not like or behaves in a way that you do not like. Whenever you cannot handle a situation or a person properly, you feel frustrated and defeated and you blow up - and you feel unhappy.

No one can annoy you unless you permit him. The behavior of others cannot hurt you unless you have agreed and participated in this hurt [Dr Wayne Dyer]. It is your mind, which manufactures ill-will and resentment. It is your mind again, which manufactures understanding and forgiveness. It is a choice. You may as well choose to understand and forgive. You may choose to smile at unpleasant experiences. There is no anger or resentment in a pleasant smile. When you refuse to become angry, life actually becomes very pleasant, peaceful - and happy for you.

Resentment and revenge are stressful – not to the person against whom they are entertained, but to the person entertaining them. They are behind a host of diseases - from headaches to cardiac diseases. The remedy lies in not getting angry.

Likes and dislikes are called Raaga-Dveshas (in Sanskrit). Raaga-Dveshas cause agitation in the mind. No one can be happy when the mind is agitated for any reason. When there is turmoil in the mind, there will never be any peace in it. Turmoil and peace are mutually exclusive. Unless there is peace internally, there can never be any happiness for any person.

The next thought is about anger (Continued)

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