Actually, any of our daily activities have built-in goals passing examinations, getting up in time early in the morning to go to work, buying a car, getting married, having children, keeping the house and garden clean and attractive, keeping the garbage outside on a specified day, paying bills on time, shopping etc. We are therefore, already goal oriented and achieving goals has become a habit to most of us.
However, the goals that we deliberately set for ourselves should be a little more difficult to achieve - demanding more out of you than a routine habit. The achievement of the goals should be able to bring out more of the latent potential in you. This potential is a lazy or dead inventory of resource. Goals convert it into an active resource, doing work for you - to make your life more fruitful and fulfilled.
In every person, there is an infinite wealth of potential. What we see manifested, however, is infinitesimal. Goals make you work harder and stretch your capacity - translate more and more of your potential into surface activity. This process takes you to places you never imagined that you could ever reach. More than the achievement, the process of stretching and reaching out to your potential is very satisfying.
Your present happiness or unhappiness is the summation of the consequences of various choices you made to date. Your future happiness or success, therefore, will depend on the choices you will be making today. Your goals are your choices.
Goal Setting For Individuals3
There are multiple demands on your resources and your resources are never adequate. There is always a resource crunch in a real world situation. Given infinite resources, any one can achieve anything. However, when there are limited resources - which correctly describes the reality of every day world - it is essential to make the resources produce, effectively and efficiently. This makes it imperative that you choose carefully, from out of the several needs that you may have at any point in time, only those needs over which, you want to utilize your limited resources. This choice depends upon your compulsions, likes, dislikes, priorities and importantly, where you want to go.
The next thought is about “The process of setting goals”
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