During my long service, I had to work with a strange colleague for some years. He used to look into his table drawers everyday without fail as soon as he entered the work place. One day I asked him why he does that. He looked at me suspiciously and said, “I look if any of my files are missing or if any one planted other peoples’ files in my drawer to cause trouble for me!” He used to carry an umbrella everyday, even in summer – because he thought that it might rain at any time. When I asked him why he expects rain in summer, he said, “Can you guarantee that it will never rain in summer? Has it not rained some times in summer also? Then, what is the meaning of the expression, “summer rains”? Any way, why are you concerned if I carry an umbrella? I wish that you do not pry into my affairs like this”
To be successful and happy, one has to have faith in oneself and in his God. The doubting mind doubts everything; it learns nothing. It doubts, for instance, if there is a God at all. Even if one accepts that there is a God, this person doubts if he really controls our destiny. He doubts if there are such things as Punyam and Paapam, Dharma and Adharma, etc. Where is the religion and spirituality for such a person? Bhagavaan Krishna, therefore, says in the Bhagavad Gita, “Naayam Loko Sti Na Paro Na Sukham Samsayaatmanah = to the doubting mind, there is no success or happiness in this world, nor is there Moksha”. (4.40)
A doubting mind is a pessimistic mind. A pessimist is one who sees a difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist is one who sees an opportunity in every difficulty. When you have faith, all doubts vanish and a positive attitude permeates your entire personality.
Faith is the key to success in any activity. When there is faith, there is a compelling urge internally to give the very best that you possibly can - in anything that you believe in.
The next thought is about “Mind can expand infinitely or shrink infinitesimally as needed
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