Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thought 135: The ancient body of religious knowledge

Rishis were the ancient sages of India. They were holy men who spent all their time doing Tapas or meditation or teaching the Saastras (Scriptures) to a few carefully chosen disciples. They were seers – they had visions during their contemplation/meditation. All Hindus, who have a “Gotra”, are the descendents of these Rishis or their early ancestors who tended the cows of these ancient Rishis.

These Rishis developed a great body of religious literature for the Hindu religion. We have this store of knowledge coming down to us from generation to generation, mostly by word of mouth, through the lineage of, what is known as the “Guru-Sishya Parampara” - and also to a limited extent, through ancient writings on palm leaves.

The next thought is about “The Guru-Sishya Parampara”

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