Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thought 151: You can never be right all the time

There are some persons who think that they can never go wrong; they strongly believe that they are right 100% of the time. These are the highly egocentric persons of this world. They feel that they know everything; and what is worse is that they think others do not know anything! In any conversation, they have a compulsion to dominate and they do dominate with an attitude; and this attitude seems to verbalize, “I have the answer – what is the question?”

It is important to realize that one can never be right 100% of the time. If your judgment is good, you can be right a large part of the time. This implies that you can be wrong the remaining time. This is the best - the best of us can achieve. The rest of us achieve much less. Unfortunately, there are some who think that they are always right - the superman syndrome. The superman never existed except in fiction and will never exist outside the fiction. Human beings are quite fallible. If you attempt 100 things, I think that it is a remarkable fete, if you succeed in 50 to 60 of them. The average man may succeed in 30 of them, if he is a thinking person. No one should ever worry that he has not succeeded in all the 100 things attempted. It is simply not possible. It is said that every failure supports the ultimate success, if you have faith in yourself and in God.

The next thought is about “Living in the present”

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