This universe is the greatest automated system! Every thing happens automatically, in accordance with an absolutely impartial system of dispensation. Call this as divine dispensation or by any other name that you will, but it is automatic, impartial, universal and certain.
In any automated system, there is no room for inconsistency. The system cannot function automatically, if there is an inconsistency. It is impossible to conceive that a robot or computer, controlling a system, will act in one manner under a given set of circumstances at one time and will act differently to an identical set of circumstances at some other time. Systems with human intervention can be inconsistent but not automated systems. Unlike the human justice systems, in the divine justice system of the universe, there is no magistrate personally watching over each of our actions and dispensing justice. Every thing happens automatically, consistently and surely. No mistakes ever take place here. To err may be human - but the good lord does not make mistakes. He is perfect.
We live in a world that is governed by laws, which are not created by any one in this world. Action and the fruits of action - cause and effect - are governed by laws, which, we may attempt to understand, but never hope to change or modify. The author of these laws is Isvara (the lord who is also the author of this world). He processes all actions in accordance with his laws and delivers the result to us - also in accordance with his laws automatically. Although you have full choice in the action, you have none at all in the result - the result is governed by laws, over which you have no control.
The next thought is about “Timely action is important”
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