What are values? My friend Ranga once gave me an interesting explanation for values. He said, "Suppose you want to make a color photograph of your father to put in a nice frame in your living room. It may cost you, say, $ 10/- But what is its value for you? You cannot put a dollar value on it". Some people understand “the price of everything and the value of nothing”. Values do enrich your life - but not in terms of dollars. You must not think of values in terms of profit and loss.
There is a much more deep-seated meaning to a value. It is what you call ethics. Values give meaning to life; they build conviction and courage in a person; they develop character in a person. There is a morality in values, which is very important for righteous living. There are certain things that you are simply not prepared to do or tolerate when others do, no matter what sacrifice this belief may demand from you. It makes you feel good when you place these values above your self interest.
Here is an interesting story (written by Balu Mahedran of Tamil Cine fame) narrated to me recently by Mr Gopalakrishnan, Hon Director, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Hyderabad. One lady teacher in a school found a boy student teasing a girl student in a highly reprehensible manner - which was very difficult for any self-respecting teacher to witness and tolerate. She immediately confronted the boy student and threatened him with dire consequences if he does not stop this kind of bad behaviour immediately. That boy happened to be the son of a well known rowdy, who is also politically very influential. The boy immediately threatened back the teacher saying that his father will not only physically attack her but he will also smash up the school. The teacher immediately reported the matter to the Head Master of the school. The head Master got frightened and started rebuking and reprimanding the teacher - saying that she should have had more sense than getting all of them into this dangerous situation. He told the teacher to immediately go and apologise to the boy student and ask him not to tell his father. The teacher refused. All other teachers in the school also felt that this teacher should not have put the school and its teachers into this problematic and untenable situation. They felt that she should not be stubborn and cause more damage to the school and its teachers. But still the teacher refused to bend – as she felt that she did the right thing.
As expected, the next morning the Father rowdy, accompanied by his rowdy followers and son, descended on the school in a menacing manner and started rebuking the Head Master in a very foul language. He wanted to physically assault the lady teacher who rebuked his son. The teacher was summoned and she immediately told the rowdy father that he should at least listen to her side of the story before he does what he came there to do. Then she told him exactly what happened. The Father rowdy then said to his son, “You told me that you did nothing but the teacher unnecessarily rebuked you. Is this true?” The son did not say anything except to remain with his head bowed down.Then, they called the girl student who was abused by his son and she confirmed what the teacher said. Immediately, the rowdy father started beating his son and fell at the feet of the teacher and said, “Madam, you did the right thing. My father never punished me when I misbehaved like this when young - and look at me now. I am a despicable rowdy. I put this son of mine in this nice school so that he will learn some discipline, character and will not become a useless rowdy like me. Madam, please do not spare him any more if he misbehaves in future. And lastly, please accept my apologies for the intolerable misbehaviour of my son”.
The next thought is about “Values are important for every person”
1 comment:
at least now the daddy rowdy is being good
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