Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thougths 35: Values enrich our lives

Frequently, you face situations – at home as well as at work – which require your taking positions based on your values. These positions may invariably put you in a battle-field – and when you are in a battlefield, you must be prepared to fight. You should not run away from righteous battles in life – like Arjuna (of Maha Bharata Fame). Krishna did not allow him to run away. Krishna taught him Bhagavad Gita at that time – which restored Arjuna’s courage and his Kshatriya values.

Values are your allies at such times. When you are alone in a fight – against injustice, adversity, poverty, etc, victory will always be on your side ultimately - although it may seem that your adversary may seem to have the upper hand in the beginning. No matter what the outcome for your adversary in the battle, there is no defeat for you - only victory. This is the moral of every story in every language in history. Moral authority is the highest - and it must always win ultimately.

If you have values, you are strong – and no hardship is too hard for you. A person with values is relatively free from fear. He has the satisfaction that he lived a noble life. You feel good when values guide your life. Values give you a strong foundation for the future growth. If you lack them, it is like building structures on sand.

Values are very powerful weapons to fight life's battles. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin King Jr are examples of that kind of warriors. Gandhi single handedly made the entire Indian subcontinent rally round his value based freedom fight and made the mighty British Monarch to sit up and take note. He had no weapons other than faith in truth and non-violence. The epic battle of Mahabharat (The Hindu Epic) is a fight between those who stood by what is morally right and those who stood for the opposite. Most of the ancient teachers in India - the great Gurus, who were absolutely poor materially, were very rich persons morally and of course, highly respected.

The next thought is about “You are what you eat”

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