Science looks for logic behind everything - especially in respect of the natural phenomena of this universe. It tries to unravel the causes (which it calls logic) behind clouds, rain, lightning, tornados, storms, cyclones, planets, stars, milky way, black holes and so on and so forth.
The method of science is to observe all phenomena accurately and objectively – and try to see patterns of repetitions or replications in the observed data. Anything that conforms to these patterns is considered logic - and any thing that differs from these patterns is considered illogic. We may say that logic means belief based on reasoning - basis of which is explained above.
This logic or pattern is not invented by scientists. They cannot even modify them, let alone inventing them. They can never modify these patterns or logic or laws because they are not made by any one here; they are authored by God. Science merely discovered these patterns or logic or laws through observation.
What science has discovered so far, such as the principle of gravity, law of conservation of energy, laws of Thermodynamics, many other phenomena of physics, chemistry, biology, medical sciences, etc are very few in number; there are many, many other undiscovered laws and phenomena. In conclusion, we can say that science has only scratched the surface of Nature so far, if that.
For instance, science has not yet discovered anything about rebirth of living beings, about god and his laws, etc. In these areas, we have to rely on our faith.
Faith is an intense belief in something. Voltaire, the well known French thinker and philosopher, said that “Faith consists in believing when it is the beyond the power of reason to believe”. When there is faith, there is an intense commitment too – like for instance, commitment to principles and values, commitment to friendships, commitment to the well being of parents, wife and children, commitment to charity, commitment to cleanliness, commitment to religion and religious beliefs, commitment to Puuja (worship), commitment to god, etc.
Faith is in your mind. It is in your thinking. It is in your attitude. It is in your value structure. It is in your priorities. You give priority for those subjects in which you have faith. Prioritizing is indicative of your faith and commitment.
When there is faith, you do not look for logic. Logic is the science of reasoning based on actual observations. In today's context, it means to explain everything on a scientific basis. Faith means to accept something without seeking proof or explanation; faith means accepting everything without questioning. For instance, when you have faith in the love and affection for your parents, you do not question whatever they do, even when sometimes, what they do with all their good intentions, leads to some harm to you. Similarly, whatever the devoted children do to their parents, is always accepted with great faith by the parents, even when some harm results to the parents from it; the parents do not question the intentions of the children because they have faith that the children will never do willfully anything bad to them.
Logic should be based on facts and on proven or scientifically accepted laws. Objective facts or assessments of a situation without any subjective element creeping into it, is essential for logical deductions. This is possible only if you are not prejudiced or biased. Frequently, people believe in what they like to believe in - and pass it off as logic for the consumption of others. We are not discussing this kind of logic here.
True faith reflects a compelling urge internally to remain devoted sincerely to what ever object or being or concept in which one has faith. True faith does not look for logic or scientific explanations. True faith allows no doubts also. It accepts without any reservation everything in which there is faith. If you have faith in God, for instance, you accept without any reservation that there is a higher power ruling over the destinies of all mortals and this power source is called God. True faith in God accepts without any reservation that God created this world and governs this world through the laws and regulations authored by Him. It also accepts that god rules over his kingdom with an unparalleled and absolute equity and justice. It accepts that there is an orderliness, harmony and balance in the world, which is visible to an unprejudiced mind. These topics, however, are not easily amenable to logic. They are not also intended for the doubting minds. They are fit subjects for faith; they are fit subjects for a learning mind.
The next thought is about “Governance of the universe”
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