Consider the earth, which, after all is nothing but a large piece of mud. It has been revolving on its axis precisely in twenty-four hours, day after day, for the past countless days. How does this piece of mud know to do that and that too, so consistently and so precisely? Similarly, how does this piece of mud know how to revolve round the sun with a mind-boggling consistency and precision in 365 and a quarter days - year after year, for millions of years? Why would all planets move in their orbits so consistently following a law?
The Nature changes constantly but the laws of nature never change. Nature’s laws are infallible. They are not made by any one here. We can at best try to understand them but we would never be able to modify them. They are authored by Isvara.
In our body-mind complexes too, we can observe a similar orderliness. For instance, why should the eyes in the human body see? Why should the ears hear? Why not eyes hear and ears see – sometimes at least? There was never any instance of a healthy eye not being able to see and similarly, there was never any instance of a healthy ear not being able to hear.
It is to be reiterated once again that wherever there is a consistent function, there is a law involved in it. Otherwise, the function will not take place so consistently. Wherever there is a law, there is a functionary (Deva or Devataa), who presides over this function. The sun, the moon, the rain, and other phenomena of this world as well as the various limbs in a body-mind complex, function consistently - and they follow the laws of Isvara.
Continuing this discussion a little further, not only your eyes see - but also, every pair of eyes sees. There are billions of eyes and all of them see. These billions of eyes have been seeing in the same manner (not considering the defects in individual eyes) for millions of years and all of them are bound by the same rules of Vision.
Thus, the eye is governed by its own set of laws. The kidneys likewise are governed by a different set of laws. The heart is governed by its own set of laws. In fact, each limb/organ in our body is governed by its own set of laws. Our psychological aspects are governed by a different set of laws. Our free will is governed by some other set of laws. There are many more laws - such as the law of gravity, the laws of thermodynamics and many other laws of physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy and so on, which are also laws of Isvara. These are not laws made by any one here. Do you agree?
Doctors know, through extensive research, a lot about these laws governing the functioning of the various limbs/organs in our body-mind complex. Because of this knowledge, they are able to repair the limbs/organs when they malfunction. Similarly, scientists have knowledge of the physical and biological laws governing world. We may recognize or we may not, but they are all laws of the God.
The next thought is about “Where is God?”
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