Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Thought 104: Every problem has a solution

Difficult situations occur in every life; not once, but several times. You may think, every time a difficult situation arises that "this is the end". It is not the end; it is more in the nature of a beginning. The end comes when you solve it.

You will solve every problem; you always did. Did you not? Every problem has a solution for sure (except, of course, the dirty problems). Every solution has a problem too. That is, there are no perfect solutions to any problem. Do the best you can to solve the problem and accept the result, no matter what it is. Input alone is in your control – the result is not. You may or you may not agree, but I think that the result is given by one, who is controlling your destiny. Think calmly at difficult times - and write down your options. If you are optimistic and enthusiastic, and believe in yourself and your God, there is always a way out.

When you allow yourself to get intimidated or overwhelmed by the nature or the dimension of a problem, you become reluctant to face it - and you tend to run away from it. When you run away from a problem, it starts chasing you. Strangely, the problem runs away, when you stop running and start chasing it. So, stop running and start chasing.

Henry Ford (Sr) believed that no problem is so big that it cannot be solved - provided you have the will to solve it. If it is big, break it up into small bits and solve the bit problems, one at a time.

The next thought is about “There is sorrow in Samsaara (world)”

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