Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thought 140: The Vision of the Vedas

The vision of the Vedas is that you are the Aatma, which is Brahman. This is a profound knowledge. It is like no other knowledge. It is the mother of all knowledge. One needs a certain maturity to be able to understand and make use of this knowledge. When people have no interest in becoming mature, this knowledge does not produce the results that it produces in those, who are interested in becoming mature.

Man is born totally ignorant of who he is. He is the Aatma, but being under the influence of Maayaa, he does not realize this truth. He thinks that he is his body-mind complex. When Man thinks that he is his body-mind complex, he is known a Jeeva. When he realises that he is the Aatma and not the body-mind complex, he attains Moksha. Moksha is not a place like Vaikuntha or Kailaasa. It is Jnaanam (Knowledge of the self). When man attains Moksha, he gains liberation from Karma and Janma.

Until the Moksha is attained, Vedas say that the Jeeva keeps on returning to Samsaara (the world) through rebirth – any number of times.

The next thought is about “You are a conscious being in your body but you are not your body”

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