Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thought 144: It is good to focus on work but not on its result (Continued)

Bhagavaan Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita (2.47), “Karmanye Vaadhi-kaaraste Maa Phaleshu Kadaachana Maa Karma Phala-heturbhur Maate Sango-stva Karmani =You have a choice in action, but never in its results (Maa Kadaachana). The result is determined by me”.

This Sloka (Verse) is not advocating that one should perform every action without expecting a result. No one performs any action without expecting a result. When one undertakes to do something, he expects a result, even though he knows that he has no control over the result. This expectation of a result, which is quite natural, is not a problem. The problem comes only when you get attached to the result.

The word “Adhikaara” (used in this Sloka) actually means the right - the right to choose a particular option, out of several options available to you for performing Karma (action). You have freedom to decide what work you want to do and how you propose to do it - this is your right. You are not, unfortunately, in a position to choose the result that you want; you are helpless with reference to the result. The result is decided in accordance with the law of cause and effect. This law was not authored by any one here. It is Isvara’s (God’s) law. He alone decides the result of every action in the world.

All Karmas are undertaken to produce the desired results. Since you perform a particular Karma to produce a specific result, it appears that you have figured out, which Karma would produce which result. If you are a thinking person, you would very soon find out that what you figured out, is not really as predictable as you thought it is. What you want is one thing and what you get is not exactly what you wanted. Frequently, it is quite the opposite. And you are helpless about this.

Your power and knowledge are limited. That is your status as a Jeeva. You do have a choice, but only over the action. You have none over the result. You perform the Karma and the result is taken care of. If you had power over the result, then, every one of your Karmas would have been successful. But because you are not omniscient, you do not know that a particular Karma would produce a given result. What the result is would depend on so many unknown factors. Since you do not have choice over the result, you should recognize this limitation. This is the limitation in knowledge and power. All human beings have the same kind of limitation.
The next thought is also about “It is good to focus on work but not on its result (Continued)”

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