Saturday, July 11, 2009

Thought 30: We all make silly mistakes

Most of the time, people are bewildered. They deal with life in a state of daze. When you are bewildered, you tend to make the most silly mistakes, even if you know the right way to do a thing. Further, if you are lazy, you do not also bother to correct these mistakes. Don't you remember having done silly mistakes in the maths paper in your student days? You should have scored many more marks than you did but for these silly mistakes. The habit persists in later life too. The casual approach to problems, the lack of attention to detail, continue to hound you, when the earlier habits are allowed to dig in and get well entrenched.

If you commit a mistake now, the consequences will occur some time in future. By not correcting this habit of acting first and then thinking later, you are not only making your present unhappy, but you are committing your future also to unhappiness irrevocably. Worrying, when future becomes present, is not going to remove the problem. By worrying you are not solving any problem - you will only be adding to it. Thus, while the analytical part of the mind is always kept snoozing, the rest of it is always kept in a state of worry. As your worry increases, your capacity to think clearly and act decisively also diminishes correspondingly.

The next thought is about “Understanding values”


Meghana said...

I really liked this thought. I liked the line where you stated that if we didn't fix our problems, that the problems would get worse. I agree with that point, a lot, and I will use it in life. (:

Anonymous said...

Well, with the many silly mistakes our politicians and leaders have been making (throughout history) it seems like most of us will paying for it for generations to come.