Right from the childhood, we have been brainwashed – by various agencies, such as parents, siblings, friends, teachers, neighbours, media, colleagues, bosses and many others. They keep telling us various things about our weaknesses but never about our strengths; they never tell you about how to get rid of weaknesses and how to reinforce your strengths. What all they generally tell us are negative things about us and our minds are filled with this kind of negative garbage. “I do not think he can cope with so much home work”. “Do not force him to study so much – it is too much load on his young mind”. “It is enough if he gets “A or B” grades in important subjects”. “He is not the kind of material to compete with the best in his class”. “Let him enjoy now. Later, he would find no time to enjoy”. “He found the politics in the office difficult to handle”. “He is not the type who can deliver”. “He breaks down under even a small stress”. “He is having domestic problems and so, leave him alone. He should not be troubled with this project right now”. “I do not think he can handle this tight schedule”. And many more such things.
We gather many negative signals like this about ourselves, which are not true at all. Once this belief gets written on the subconscious mind, you begin to think and act to conform to this belief. This is how we believe that we cannot do many things, although we can. In this process, we impose several avoidable limitations on ourselves and on our ability to think properly and on our ability to act properly. Therefore, we do not measure up to our real potential. We work far, far below our potential. We sincerely come to believe that we cannot do certain things; which is just hogwash.
As long as this garbage is lodged in your bin (mind), you hesitate; you halt; fear grips you. You do not take even minor risks. You would like to walk the beaten path, because it is safe. You do not want to explore.
Those, who are successful, have thrown this kind of garbage overboard and their minds are left free and fresh; and they are full of optimism and enthusiasm. They go out and achieve things. Mind you, they are no better than you. They are just as good or as bad as you are. But they have the power of positive thinking. They believe in themselves; they believe in their ability to gain success; they believe in their intelligence.
What is the use of having intelligence and ability if they do not work for you. Make them work for you. That is the formula for success. The successful are not really great; they are just ordinary. But they are determined to succeed and they innovate in various ways until success happens. Their life’s ruling passion is success – they do not allow anything to come in their way. These persons do not like excuses for not succeeding. They are merciless – especially, on themselves. Other’s difficulties do not bother them. They will go to some others if you give excuses. They are impatient. They are just like the flood waters. If the floods encounter a big boulder in their path, they do not stop – they either continue to flow on top of the boulder or around the boulder.
The next thought is about “What a person says is not so important than what motivated him to say that”
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