Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thought 14: Consciousness and the mind

It has been the practice to use interchangeably, the term "mind" to mean any one of the three terms - the brain, the mind, the consciousness. This seems to have perpetuated the confusion between these three entities. Dr Sandweiss believes that science is taking a closer look at this subject and is perhaps beginning to think that consciousness is more fundamental than mind and may have conceived and created the mind.

The Hindu philosophers believe that every thing that is not pure consciousness (Purusha) is matter (Prakriti). When this consciousness is clothed in mind (which is also matter - but in a subtle form), it becomes immanent - that is, it operates within the mind.

Mind has the capability to take the outline or the form of the objects perceived by it. It can assume the shape of the objects perceived and can spread or shrink with them. All knowledge the world has ever received has been through the mind. Therefore, an infinite library of the universe resides in the mind. The upper portion of the mind, known as "Buddhi", is the seat of all this knowledge.

Swami Vivekananda said ("Paths of Meditation", Swami Ananyananda) "Human mind operates at two levels - the higher and the lower. The higher reflects divinity and the lower reflects animality. Another feature of the human mind is the inherent quality of itself becoming both, the subject and object. It can divide itself into two - objectify itself and study it also".

The next thought is about “we all have five sense organs, which bring the outside world into our minds”.

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