Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thought 42 : Coping with adversity and prejudice

There will be difficulties and adverse circumstances in every life. Your immediate environment is usually full of currents and undercurrents – opposing your every move. This is the nature of all life in this world of mortals.

Arjuna found himself in a battlefield situation against his will. He never wanted to fight his Gurus and near relatives – because he knew that in any battle, he was going to be victorious; which means that he would be killing all his Gurus and kith and kin. This scenario was quite abhorrent to him. Frequently, we find ourselves placed in such ugly or undesirable situations. When we find ourselves in such situations, we must learn to cope with them – and learn how to come out of them victorious.

Every situation teaches you something – if you have a learning mind. Do not be ashamed to learn – anything at any age. Learning is investing in future. A learning mind is like a superconductor. It has no preconceived notions; it has no resistances. When there is no resistance, electricity keeps flowing freely in a conductor – on and on and on. When there are no prejudices in the mind, knowledge keeps flowing freely - on and on and on. Get rid of your prejudices. Learn to come out of the frame, look at the picture and see, whether you like, what you see. You will then know how you appear to others.

Never let the adverse circumstances make you negative. Do you, for instance, ever plan for failure; never. All the same failures do occur every now and then – especially when we fail to plan. All failures are accounted by the uncertainties of life on this planet. Those who give up when they face failures or setbacks are the losers. Quitters never win. Also, winners never quit.

Always be positive. Always be objective. Always be happy. Always be enthusiastic. Always be cheerful. Let enthusiasm and cheerfulness be your hallmarks and constant companions - like the Sruti of a musician. When you do that, you are no longer overwhelmed by the world and its uncertainties and its adversities.

Lose anything but your enthusiasm and cheerfulness. Sing in the bath room. Say good morning to every one you see – you need not know them. Always pump out an outstretched hand several times enthusiastically. Never miss an opportunity to say “thank you”. If you can say “thank you” to god daily, through a prayer, it is even better.

The next thought is about “Some invisible forces are stalking you all the time”

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