Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thought 45: Clean problems vs Dirty problems

Ralph Evans, the American consultant, once said, that problems can be classified into two types. The first type is called “clean” “Clean” problems are those for which, we can readily visualize a solution. For instance, if your car is giving trouble too often, you may decide to replace it – which is a solution – when the car problem will cease to exist, at least for some years to come.

There is the second type of problems, which are not clean at all. We are unable to see a solution to these problems in the near future and therefore, unable to solve and put them behind us. Since, they are not “clean”, we call them “dirty”. For example, the indiscipline amongst employees in an organization or the political problems in India, problems of terrorism, problems connected with alcoholism and drug addiction in a society, are some examples of problems that do not lend themselves so readily for a quick and clean solution. These can be classified as dirty problems. Generally, all “people” problems are dirty problems.

Every one faces dirty problems at some time or the other in his/her life. For instance, every one encounters difficult people at some time in their lives! To deal with them – is not easy. This is a dirty problem that most of us face commonly – at some time or the other in our lives.

What do we do when we face dirty problems? We know that there are no easy solutions – at least, not immediately. What can any one do except to learn to live with them, until you stumble upon a solution. Some times “time” finds a solution to some problems - and one learns to live with these problems in that hope (which is, time finds a solution).

The next thought is about “Running vs Management”

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