Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thought 69: What all you can do is to give inputs – the output will be directly proportional to it

There can never be any output without input. If you do not buy a lottery ticket, you can never win the lottery. At the same time, having a lottery ticket does not necessarily get you the jackpot. Input alone is in your control - and not the result. The Uperwala alone gives the result to every one.

It is not luck, if you hit the jackpot. It is the result of something you have done earlier. There is no such thing as luck. Everything that you get in life is a result of what you have done. You deserve both the good and bad that happen to you. No one ever gets anything in life that he or she does not deserve.

You and you alone are responsible for both good and bad that happens to you. Take responsibility for everything that happens to you – because, it is the result of what you have done earlier (in a previous Janma).

The next thought is about “The world and Man”

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