Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thought 82: The learning mind

Life evolves on the principles of heredity and adaptation. In animals, the principle of heredity reigns supreme. The baby animal acquires all knowledge at birth. There is not much non-physical growth later. Man too is governed by the principles of heredity and adaptation. But unlike the animals, man learns through education and adaptation - and consequently acquires great powers. These powers, combined by the knowledge of Vedaanta, unfold the knowledge of the self in him. For this, he needs to have a learning mind. A closed mind never learns anything worthwhile. (Swami Tejomayananda).

Every person has likes and dislikes. Likes and dislikes do not make you see anything objectively. They give rise to prejudices and preconceived ideas. Knowledge would not unfold in a mind, which puts too many hurdles on its path. It is like setting up a dam like the Hoover dam, which stops the Colarado river waters flowing further.

Any mind which has the least amount of likes and dislikes is a learning mind. Do not be ashamed to learn – anything, at any age. The manner in which technology is changing rapidly these days, one has to be a student all his life – or else, one would be left behind, while the world moves forward. Learning is investing in future.

A learning mind is like a superconductor. It has no preconceived notions and prejudices - it has no resistance to learning. When there is no resistance, electricity keeps flowing freely - on and on and on. When there are no prejudices and preconceived notions in the mind, knowledge keeps flowing freely - on and on and on.

The next thought is about “The doubting mind never succeeds in anything”

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