Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thought 89: This world is a grand scheme devised by God

This world is a Grand Scheme; everything in it is created for a purpose. There is a good reason for everything that exists in this world. Even the cockroach has reason for its existence (although I do not know precisely what this reason is but I do believe sincerely that god would not have created it without a reason). Dharma is designed to preserve this world as desired by the God. Dharma is an Order, the Universal Ecological and Moral order created by God – which if followed by all living beings in Creation, ensures harmony, Ecological and Moral Standards (for the human beings), which in turn ensures the well being of all life on this planet.

The animal kingdom and the plant world come and go without attempting to alter the Order. They are not endowed with choice and discrimination. But Man, who is endowed with Buddhi, is endowed with choice and discrimination. People who perform wrong actions violate the Dharma. Behind every wrong action, there is a human being, who is either frightened or greedy.

No element in any system can function independently - all elements function together, supporting each other and following the regulations governing the system. Prakriti, Nature, is no exception to this. Prakriti is a huge system - a huge eco-system Thus, there is a mutual dependence all over the cosmos.

The principal components of the eco-system of Prakriti are the forces of Nature (Devataas), earth and its oceans, the plant life, the animal kingdom and the human species. The functioning of each of these components is affected by the way the rest of the components function - since all components in a system are intimately related to one another. If all of them play their respective roles correctly, the system will function like a clock work. Otherwise, we can expect a lot of glitches – and even calamities like a Tsunami.

Of all the earthly creatures, man alone has the capability to actively and consciously support this eco system – for he alone has the intellect (Buddhi) with which he can think and take conscious decisions and actions. If he fails to support the system, of which he is a part, it is inimical to his own interests. No one can neglect the interests of the system in which he lives and at the same time, expect to promote his or her own interests - selfishly. If any one thinks he can look after his own interests while neglecting the interests of the system, he lives in a fool’s paradise. A family is also a system in this sense and this rule applies to the family and its members as well.

When man gets overly concerned with his own interests and neglects the interests of the system, he takes from the system, but does not return anything back to the system. He feeds on the system like a parasite, depleting it constantly, with a callous disregard for the needs of other components of the system. In the long term, he becomes the victim of his own callousness.

Therefore, no one should do anything to weaken the system. On the other hand, one should do everything possible to strengthen the system. When the system becomes strong, you also become strong. This is the only way one can become strong – the positive and synergic route to strength.

The next thought is about “Who is god? How does he look?”

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