Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thought 94: If you want a different result, you have to do differently too

If you want things to happen differently for you, then you must do them differently too. Doing the same old thing and expecting a different result, is not going to get you where you want to be.

Generally, people complain that they are not moving up in their profession, which they deserve. Students usually complain that they are not getting higher grades, which they deserve. Over-weight people complain that they are not reducing in spite of their observing a strict diet control. In all these and similar cases, if you examine, you will find that they are doing the same old thing and are expecting a different result, which is unrealistic.

You will never get a different result if you think and act as you have been thinking and acting as before. Unless you think and act differently, you will continue to languish as before. Change of attitude is the Mantra for you. Get rid of negative thinking or fear. There would be starting troubles, no doubt, but if you persist, you will learn to overcome the starting troubles. Once started thus, you keep going until you get success. You will find several boulders or hurdles along the way barring your progress – and sometimes big ones too. But learn from the flood waters; do as they do. They flow around or over the boulders, when a boulder is found in their way.

Every work place, for instance, is full of politics. If there are any differences in work places, they are only in degree – but not in quality. As a rule, when you move higher and higher in any job, politics become more and more important – and you must learn the tricks of the new game quickly. Identify the power centers and find a way of ingratiating yourself quickly with those power centers. There is nothing undignified in this because that is the ground reality - and that is the way the game is always played; every successful person does that. In this scenario, technical stuff and work efficiency, etc take a beating, frequently. Do not complain if your work does not get recognized even if you believe that you work hard; here, it is not hard work that gets you recognition; it is the smart work. If you do not recognize this reality and change, you will continue to be ignored - while those who you think are not as good as you are, get rewarded in preference to you. Therefore, you have to change your attitude as required - and learn quickly the changed rules of the game. If you cannot change, then, accept what you get. But if you continue working as you have been and complain that you are not getting the recognition that you deserve, it is unrealistic.

Students frequently complain that they are not getting the grades that their hard work deserves. The students must remember that the grades that they get are directly proportional to the input – and the sooner the student realizes this truth, the better it is for him/her. They must find out for themselves that they have been doing the same old wrong thing, semester after semester – and how can they get better grades? If they introspect and find out for themselves what wrong things they were doing and correct themselves, their grades would improve automatically. It is that simple.

Health of an individual, for instance, is very important. Do not ever say, “I am very busy to attend to physical exercise”. Physical exercise has to be done. Do not also say that the exigencies of work do not allow you to observe a proper diet program. Remember that where there is a will, there is a way. Physical workouts and proper diets are very important – especially as you grow older. But if you continue to neglect these two important aspects of your life style and expect that you would continue to be as healthy as before, it is fantasy; it never happens.

Remember, without good health, you will have no energy – not enough good energy that will work for you. Remember also that you are an energy source. Do not dissipate your energy by thinking negatively or putting limitations on yourself. Conserve this energy for productive thinking and productive working. The successful persons learn to use their energy very efficiently – and productively too. You too can discover this. It is no big deal.

The next thought is about “Communication skills”

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