Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thought 103: About Challenging Times

These are challenging times everywhere – especially in India. Challenging times require challenging attitudes. Those who develop these attitudes, survive - and even prosper. Those who cannot muster enough innovative thinking and courage, who let themselves be overwhelmed by circumstances and meekly submit to them, find alibis instead of finding solutions.

But there is always a way out – for any difficulty, however overpowering, it may be. Let me illustrate this by way of a small parable which I stated earlier once. It is worthwhile repeating this story here. A frog one day got caught up in a deep mud pool. Try as it might, it could not come up. Suddenly it saw a young school boy going home from school. It called the boy and said, “Hey, Mac, I seem to have got myself into a difficult situation in this mud pool. Can you take me up – please?” Mac said, “Hang on for a few minutes, Mr Frog. My home is not far off. I will leave my books there, put on my overhauls, would come back in a jiffy and rescue you, OK?” The frog said, “OK, doke, but make it snappy. I am all nerves. I can’t stand this much longer”.

Mac came back as promised in a few minutes, but to his utter surprise, he found the froggie on the top of the mud-pool, singing away merrily. Mac asked the frog, “Hey, what happened? It was only a few minutes ago you were so helplessly caught up in this mud-pool. How did you manage to come up in these few minutes?” Thereupon, the frog smiled and said, “You see Mac, as soon as you went away, a great big snake came along - and I HAD TO GET OUT.

The next thought is about “Every problem has a solution”

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