Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tought 128: Innovation through Technology

Technology has been changing constantly; these days, it is changing faster than ever before. “If it can be done, it is obsolete” - this is how technology is leaping forward. If you do not update yourself, you become obsolete.

The world too has been changing constantly. Every system changes constantly. According to the laws of thermodynamics, every system deteriorates, if left to itself without intervention. This deterioration from order to disorder is called Entropy.

The experienced manager knows that every system has entropy. But he cannot be at all places, all at the same time, to find out about it. However, the efficient manager has a helicopter view of his system of operations all the time – and when necessary, he zooms to the trouble spots to intervene as needed. When something goes wrong, the good manager does not immediately ask "who did it?" Rather, he asks, "What went wrong" and fixes it as soon as possible, whatever went wrong.

These are challenging times everywhere – especially in India. Challenging times require challenging attitudes. Those who develop these attitudes, survive - and even prosper. Those who cannot muster enough innovative thinking and courage, who let themselves be overwhelmed by circumstances and meekly submit to them, find alibis instead of solutions to their problems.

Technology finds innovative solutions to every challenge. That is what technology is all about. That is how the Silicon Valley thrives and prospers. The spirited young people of the valley convert every challenge into money, through innovative solutions. These converters are not big operators – they are “lean, mean and nimble”. They are not afraid to step out of the beaten track - and explore the unfamiliar turf.

The next thought is about “The body-mind connection”

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