Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thought 195: The holistic approach to life

Part 4 - Dealing With People

- "Do not under estimate people merely because they over estimate themselves"

- "Do not talk about people but talk to people". "We are masters of our unsaid words and slaves of those that slip out"

- Never ever make personal jokes about others. If you have to, let the jokes be on you

- Friendships are rarely accidental. They have to be painstakingly cultivated and promoted.

- "Be slow in choosing a friend, even slower in changing"

- Have a small close circle of friends and a large circle of acquaintances. You share freely with the close circle only. Remember, "shared joy is double joy and shared sorrow is half sorrow"

- Every one has strengths and weaknesses. No one should be considered as inferior or superior to any one else but should be respected as a person basically

- We get complexes when we compare our weakness with the strength of others or our strength with the weakness of others. Do not compare. Comparisons cause unhappiness

- Learn to deal politely with people, in general. When necessary, learn to be firm. When it is essential to say"no", have the courage to say so.

The holistic approach to life (Continued)

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