Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thought 49: Everything changes constantly in the space-time dimension

I lived in a certain segment of history and my children are going to live mostly in a different segment. My views and experiences were the products of the period of history and society known to me. The economic conditions, political scenario, educational system, culture, traditions and moral values to which I was exposed, determined the forces and compulsions, which made me what I am. The next generation will be exposed to a different set of forces altogether - the advances in systems and technology in their life times may impose compulsions of a totally different nature on them. My experience and views, when extrapolated into their segment of history, may or may not still retain their validity and relevance. Relevance takes precedence over continuity.

During the time of my parents, the world changed no doubt but very slowly. Now, with the impact of high technology on the society, the changes are occurring very rapidly; too rapidly perhaps. Those who do not recognize this fact are not in sync with the times. Nothing stops for you. If you do not keep in step with the changing world, you are left behind - and the world moves on. My parents were not aware of this.

Changes take place ceaselessly - matter into energy and energy into matter. There are constant changes in climate (EL Ninyo and LE Ninyo) and environment. Where there were forests in India and Brazil, we see plain land today. The courses of rivers change constantly. All materials age constantly – deteriorating constantly and becoming useless ultimately. All technologies have been changing (they are improving in general). Animals grow and die. There are ceaseless changes taking place in us. We grow mature and wither off ultimately. The cells in our body are replaced at least once in three years. Our ideas change constantly. Our knowledge too changes constantly. Our relationships change continuously. Our culture too changes continuously.

Happiness and sorrow also keep changing constantly like everything else in this world of ours. Happiness is never permanent. Neither is the sorrow. The wise person knows that, if he gets happiness today, sorrow is scheduled for tomorrow. If he gets sorrow now, happiness is right behind. Do not panic if things look dark now – soon, there will be light. The night is always followed by the day. If things look bad now, good news is not far behind. Cheer up.

Everything changes – in the space-time dimension. Change is the fundamental principle of nature. If you do not recognize this truth and adapt yourself quickly to the changes as they happen, you are left behind as the world continues to change and moves on.

The next thought is about “Everything is cycled in the space-time dimension”

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