Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thought 50: Everything is cycled in the space-time Dimension

Nothing ever remains static in this world. Things always change – it is their nature to change. The night changes to become the day. The day changes to become the night. Seasons change constantly. Time is ticking away and the world changes with time – it only moves forward, never backwards.

Everything gets cycled in Nature. We see in the nature, a carbon cycle, a nitrogen cycle, a food chain etc. Even human beings get recycled; they die and get reborn any number of times (until they gain Moksha). This cycling is called “Chakra Bhramana” in Sanskrit – which is Isvara’s Leela (sport). In all these phenomena, we see His Order - His Ecological and Moral Order. Everything in this world obeys His laws and follows His discipline, unless otherwise disturbed by the imprudent actions of the human beings.

During the time of my parents, the world changed slowly. Now, with the impact of high technology on the society, the changes are occurring very rapidly – too rapidly perhaps. Those who do not recognize this fact are not in sync with the times. Nothing stops for you. If you do not keep in step with the changing world, you are left behind - and the world moves on. My parents were not aware of this.

Happiness and sorrow also keep changing constantly like everything else in this world of ours. Happiness is never permanent. Neither is the sorrow. The wise person knows that, if he gets happiness today, sorrow is scheduled for tomorrow. If he gets sorrow now, happiness is right behind.

Do not panic if things look dark now – soon, there will be light. The night is always followed by the day. If things look bad now, good news is not far behind. Cheer up.

The next thought is about “The rate of change is more significant than change per se”

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