Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thought 52: Internal changes are not easy

Most people would benefit from changing their attitudes, but they resist change. Change is very painful. But then, if you do not change, that is also very painful. If a person does not change, it is because he cannot change. Internal changes, as opposed to change of physical habits, are very difficult.

One can perhaps change his habits through will or determination. For instance, one can force himself to do jogging or any other physical exercise daily. One can similarly give up smoking, stop overeating, give up sedentary habits like sitting on the sofa and watching TV while consuming copious amounts of beer and chips all day long, etc through strong determination. Swami Dayananda says that the inner change is, however, a different matter. By merely "willing", you do not change internally.

One cannot be asked to like a person, for instance, by an order. Nor can he wish himself to like a person. It is something that has to happen naturally. The changes you may wish for a person may do good for him or her, but still the change will take place only when there is an internal urge for this change in that prson. This will take place only when the person realizes that his current attitude is not doing him any good; he should realize on the other hand that it is doing him harm.

Experience alone can cause internal changes. Until then, the person would resist change. It is only a wise person who tries to profit by the experience of others.

Actually, when a person is honest about his or her feelings, you will find the beginning of a genuine change, says Swami Dayananda.

The next thought is about “What is Destiny”

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