Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thought 51: The rate of change is more significant than change per se

Things in the world constantly change; change is the nature of this world. The famous English poet, Oliver goldsmith, said, “the older order changeth yielding place to the new”. Every generation, in fact, has been facing several changes. Our forefathers too faced several changes – but it appears that this truth never dawned on them. They were completely oblivious to changes in their generation - and therefore, clung to tradition, thinking that it is the proper thing to do.

You are now living in times in which the systems, which affect your lives, are changing, not only constantly – but also very rapidly. The rate of change is increasing steeply from generation to generation. The consequence of not being able to adapt to these changes as they roll out rapidly - is the main cause of stress in individuals. If you do not notice these rapid changes and adapt yourself to them quickly as they occur, you will be left behind. Those who do not recognize this truth come to grief very soon.

Thus, it is not the change that is really significant now; rather, it is the rate of change which is becoming more significant with every passing day.

The next thought is about “Internal changes are not easy”

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