Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thought 185: People always talk - it is their prerogative

People are always talking - whether you like what they are talking or not. They are talking about everything, about everyone - even about themselves too. When they talk about themselves, it sounds like they are blowing their own trumpet.

They say that god has given us two eyes to see better, two ears to listen better but only one mouth to talk less! But this maxim is followed more in its breach than in compliance.

People talk - all the time. It is their right to talk. You may or may not like to listen to it. It is your right too - not to listen. Anything that you do in life becomes the concern of others. If you do well, it is talked about - some with admiration and others with jealousy. If you do not do well, it is also talked about - some with sympathy, others with a satisfaction that at last you are getting at least now - what you deserved to get long ago.

The next thought is about “You like to hear good things said about you”

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